Converting your idea into a testable product
How do you go about turning a rough product idea or concept into a well-functioning and usable prototype?
Determine and test goals!
You are already convinced of your new product idea and you want to confirm this by being able to show a (rough) prototype and have it tested by your target group, customers or a test agency. This always provides useful data to make your product even better.
What is the right approach?
Working together with the creative engineers within the TPP: TEKLAB Product Development Plan. Depending on what you have already prepared, we will take the steps of the development process. First go back to basics and formulate and record the principles properly, so that we are on the same page. Go through a limited number of options through ideation and concepting, visualize if necessary and choose the most suitable one, or at most 2 of them. Develop these option(s) and partly design them in 3D CAD and then work towards a product that can be manufactured as a prototype.
What role does budgeting play?
Product development requires sufficient financial resources. Estimating an entire project is not possible. TEKLAB therefore works with practical phased quotations with 1 or 2 phases at a time. Then it remains nice and clear.
Improvements during the process!
Product development is a very cool creative process. During the first phases, and certainly afterwards, new ideas always emerge. With our experience we know how to manage this properly and maintain the intended goal.
To work!
Would you like to know what TEKLAB engineers can do for your project? Then make an informative appointment with Thijs ( sales engineer)
TEKLAB| Inspired engineers